Mosaic art

Three beautiful Mexican plates....broken,
and then, reincarnated as beautiful art.
That's what hooked me--by accident--on
my avocation as a self-taught mosaic artist.
Winter time I hunker down in my studio by the lake, with a glass of wine, a crackling fire and inspiring music.
I indulge in my passion--configuring
glittering jewels of china, ceramic, or glass
into abstract or representational mosaic wall art, or tiling a deer skull with custom hand cut glass.
Projects come alive, and the sense of 
coming full circle with life breathes in me.


Indulge yourself with a Mosaic Skull, customized by me . . . for you.

Until I was asked to mosaic a wildebeest skull, it never occurred to me to mosaic an animal skull. I didn’t even know what a wildebeest was! And how to apply mosaic to its skull? C’mon . . . However, I took a leap of faith and created a beaded trophy skull that satisfied my client. 
     After considerable time and research, I’ve become addicted to bringing the elegance and strength of wild animals back to life through my mosaic applications––a form of creative taxidermy using glass, beads, stain glass, stones, gems, Murano Millefiori glasswork, and Samalti. Who would have thought a warthog could be so colorful, or its presence so alive?
      American bison skulls have most recently caught my imagination, reawakening a childhood affinity for the West and memories of life in Montana. Exposure to the art and culture of the Plains Indians has further inspired me, spurring me to reinterpret traditional Native American designs on the surface of the bison skull, an ample platform for mosaic. I love the look of these primitive designs, their bold use of color, and the meanings of various icons and images. My blood and artistic core warm to the task of creating each successive bison skull. Investigate this successful, maturing series. Envision a mosaic bison skull of your own.
See Gallery


Share my artist’s passion for the decorative art of Mosaic . . . in your piece.

Until I refused to scrap the beautiful glass shards of several Mexican plates I had broken, mosaic art creation was of passing interest to me. Yet, the more I researched the world of mosaics, and the deeper I delved into the history, designs, and materials of mosaic art, the more I appreciated the experience. Something tells me you do too!
 My artist’s journey began in earnest as I learned to mosaic with broken tiles, ceramics, and found objects––the Picassiette method. With unchecked enthusiasm, I scanned garage sales, rummaged through discount houses, and unearthed treasures at antiques stores. Decorative glass, pottery, beads, jewels, unique objects––I loved anything I could break up and imaginatively re-assemble, storing and stashing this tesserae for future mosaic art projects.  
            Today, I am an active mosaic artist, with appreciative clientele. A single idea serves as my inspiration; my design drawings are rough, so I visualize a mosaic in my imagination. My free-spirited creative process takes over, and the idea is transformed into a mosaic. I am often pleasantly surprised with my “masterpiece”!

Ready to get mosaic'd? 

Send me an email and let's set your consultation!

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